This video gives you taste of All Saints — who we are, what we do. Please join us!
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An inclusive church where the sacrament of Holy Eucharist invites all of us to the unconditional love of God.

Welcome. Our Mission is to call all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.
Most churches say that all are welcome – but you may have your doubts, and you may have questions about who we are. Below are questions and answers that reflect the core values of All Saints Episcopal Church:
What if I'm LGBTQIA+, or someone I love is? Yes, you are welcome!
What if I'm single, married, separated, divorced, or remarried? Yes, you are welcome!
What if I have children, or am a single parent, a parent of children with special needs, adopted children, or if I'm not a parent at all? Yes, you are welcome!
What if I vote Democrat – or Republican – or Independent – or Other? Yes, you are welcome!
What if I have doubts, or am questioning my faith, or am not sure how I feel about religion? Yes, you are welcome!
What if I believe science should inform my spiritual beliefs? Yes, you are welcome!
What if I am of another denomination – or another faith? Yes, you are welcome!
What if I am an immigrant, or a refugee, or a U.S. citizen? Yes, you are welcome!
What if I live in a house, an apartment, assisted living, a motel, or I don't have a home? Yes, you are welcome!
What if I need a cane to walk, or a walker, or am unable to walk, or I can hike miles every day? Yes, you are welcome!
What if I love to dress up for church, or I'd rather just wear jeans, or I have only the clothes on my back? Yes, you are welcome!
Yes, you are welcome whether you are brand-new to this world, over 100 years old or any age in between. Bring your partner, spouse, children, and friends. Bring your questions and doubts, your wounds and your fears. Bring your hopes and dreams, your answers and joy. Bring your weakness, grief, and worry. Bring your strength and compassion, and your heart, mind, soul, and passion. Please, leave nothing of yourself behind – for we welcome you.
As a community of faith, All Saints Episcopal Church respectfully acknowledges that we gather to worship on the traditional lands of the hinono’eino’ biito’owu’ (Arapaho), Tséstho’e (Cheyenne), Núu-agha-tʉvʉ-pʉ̱ (Ute), and Očhéthi Šakówiŋ (Sioux) nations. Along with the land itself, we honor with gratitude these nations and tribes on whose lands our building now stands.
Learn the traditional tribal presences where you live here.
It doesn’t matter if you are new to the Episcopal church, new to church, or have been attending some sort of worship your whole life - we welcome you.

What to Expect at All Saints
Stepping inside the doors of a new church can be a leap of faith on many levels, even for people who've been going to church for a long time. Some of your questions might include:
Will anyone talk to me? Or will too many people talk to me?
Will they ask me for money?
Will it be OK if my kids can't sit still or be quiet the entire service?
How should I dress?
Will there be anyone there my own age?
Does it matter if I'm an Episcopalian?
Am I welcome if I don't believe?
Whether you've never been to church before, or you’ve been attending church your entire life, we want you to feel comfortable at All Saints. We want to make sure you leave your worship experience feeling that it's been stress free, engaging, and enjoyable.
We will talk to you and invite you to coffee hour. We will sit with you, if that is what you want. We do pass the offering plate every Sunday - what you do with it is between you and God.
We love kids in the worship service! Our worship is the primary place were our faith gets formed, so we believe children should be in church. There are coloring books, books, pencils, and other items to keep hearts and minds engaged. We have learned that more often adults make more noise than kids, so don’t worry about that. Having children in worship reminds us of our baptismal promise to continue in the apostles teaching and the breaking of bread.
It doesn’t matter if you are new to the Episcopal church, new to church, or have been attending some sort of worship your whole life - we welcome you. Our worship bulletin is all inclusive, so it’s easy to follow. We do stand, sit, and/or kneel a lot during our worship.
And most importantly, we welcome all to partake of communion, for it is Christ who invites us to meet him at that table.